60 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes

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Thanksgiving side dishes are key to gathering with loved ones, enjoying delicious food, and creating lasting memories. Whether it’s a festive Friendsgiving or a traditional holiday meal, having the perfect sides is essential.

Includes recipes suitable for gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian diets. Weight Watchers points are included in some recipes.

A collage of images of thanksgiving side dishes

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Thanksgiving is all about gathering with family and friends, enjoying delicious food, and creating lasting memories. Whether you’re hosting a festive Friendsgiving or a traditional holiday meal, we’ve got the perfect Thanksgiving side dishes for you to choose from.

From classic mashed potatoes and fresh salads to sweet potato casserole, Brussels sprouts, and green beans, these sides will make your Thanksgiving feast unforgettable.

We’ve rounded up 60 of the best Thanksgiving side dishes to impress your guests. Now for the hard part choosing your favorites!

What Mains Should I Serve With These Sides?

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time to prep your lunch or dinner menu. Turkey and lamb take centre stage, and we also have some additional recipes for you to choose from.

And, remember to have a good Thanksgiving breakfast so you have energy for all the festivities and cooking.

Handy Tip: Use Good Kitchen Tools!

For the best tools to help make your recipe even easier and more successful, check out my collection of the Best Kitchen Tools on Amazon.

60 Best Thanksgiving Sides

I’ve compiled a collection of my favorite Thanksgiving sides. This extensive list considers everyone. From Aunties and Grannies to the fussy family members (I see you) and all your guests’ dietary needs. You’ll find plenty of options to simplify your menu planning.

Click on the links in blue to be taken to the recipes.

Holiday Tips

  • Create a timeline: Whether it’s a dinner for 4 or brunch for 20, identifying when certain tasks need to be done helps ensure your meal comes together smoothly.
  • Get a jump on the prep work: Defrosting, chopping, slicing, and assembling certain dishes in advance means you’ll have less work to do on the day of your event.
  • Set your table in advance: Get your dishes, glassware, serving platters, and utensils set out the night before to make sure you have all you need and can check that task off your list.

More Thanksgiving Recipes

Recommended Tools

Thank you for reading my Thanksgiving side dishes. And please come visit again as I continue to slice, dice, and dream up affordable Air Fryer recipes, Instant Pot recipes, Southern Recipes, and more. Thanks for supporting Recipes from a Pantry, food blog.

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Don’t forget to tag #recipesfromapantry on Instagram or Twitter if you try 60 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes! It is really, really awesome for me when you make one of my recipes and I’d love to see it. You can also share it on my Facebook page. Please pin this recipe to Pinterest too! Thank you for reading Recipes from a Pantry.

A collage of images of thanksgiving side dishes
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60 Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes

This collection of 60 Thanksgiving side dishes will complete your holiday feast.
Author: Bintu Hardy



  • Pick your favorite traditional Thanksgiving dishes.
  • Prepare your shopping list and head to the store.
  • Put together your delicious Thanksgiving feast!
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